Copaiba VS CBD

Copaiba VS CBD

What We Know

We know for example that the endocannabinoid system is a resolute system. We know all there is to know about CB1 and CB2, we know where the interact in the body. We know that there's the greater preponderance of CB2 in the periphery, for example and that CB 1 receptors are more centralized and that they have very specific functions. The whole endocannabinoid system for example is very influential all throughout the body because of this wide distribution and the variation that exists between those different types of receptors.

CB2 Receptors

CB2 receptors, which is where most of discussion seems to be focused and centralized, really deals a lot with the body's immune capability, how the body is able to monitor and control inflammatory responses appropriately. Even lots of discussion and information showing and defining how the endocannabinoid system is very influential in helping to control different levels and forms of discomfort that we might experience. All of this factors together to mean that that system must hold some real value for us. And so of course there's a lot of enthusiasm that seems to be present. 

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. While CBD is a component of marijuana (one of hundreds), by itself it does not cause a “high.” According to a report from the WHO “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

What is Copaiba?

Distilled from gum resin that is wild harvested from Brazilian copaiba, copaiba contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene (55 percent) of any known essential oil. 

According to Dr. Call: “Copaiba is an oleoresin, which means it’s a natural plant product from the copaiba plant that consists of essential oils and a resin. It’s steam-distilled in order to create copaiba oil which is high in B-caryophyllene. Many people use it for a calming effect.”

Hmm… sounds a bit like CBD oil, especially to the uninitiated. However, Dr. Call explained, “While some people think that copaiba and CBD are interchangeable, they are entirely different products.”

How are they similar?

In order to appreciate the differences between copaiba vs CBD, we need to delve a bit deeper into the nitty-gritty. In other words, get ready to be blinded by science. (Not really, this stuff is pretty simple).

Dr. Lindsey Elmore examines CBD vs. Copaiba: Are they really the same?, and explains that both copaiba and CBD contain a chemical called beta-caryophyllene (BC), found among more than 30,000 terpenes, which are “organic, naturally-occurring compounds that have specific smells and tastes and effects… Two of the more obvious benefits of terpenes are their flavor and fragrance.”

Elmore writes:

Both CBD and BC lend aroma and flavor to their respective plants, and there is some evidence that BC brings benefits. But BC is also found in ylang ylang, black pepper, oregano, clove, lavender, basil and many other essential oils. The conclusion that CBD and copaiba essential oil have the same benefits because of this single chemical constituent is incorrect.

Using a clever metaphor comparing the similar ingredient of flour used to bake cookies and bread, Elmore explains that although the compounds are the same, their interactions and resulting products are very different.

Relative to copaiba vs. CBD, “The same is true with the complex chemical make-up of natural plant extracts and oils. Having similar constituents simply does not make them work the same way… It is simply important to not extend evidence from CBD to copaiba essential oil.”

The bottom-line?

Ultimately, the use of copaiba vs. CBD is as personal as choosing to use products like CBD oil in the first place. It depends on personal needs and overall goals.

Check out our collection of Cannabombs to see how you might be able to benefit from them.

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